Our Divine Connections

There was something so beautifully easy about these two strangers sitting by the water yesterday at Lake Lure. They were enthralled in a deep conversation. I got close to them and they didn't even notice.

I collect sunrises, sunsets. people and places. All of them through photographs or words. These connections are powerful. I can go through my photo gallery and tell you exactly where I was when I snapped a photo. I may be able to share snippets of their stories. This one doesn't need a story. They are simply living in love. They were holding hands and he was caressing her. The entire time she sat looking out at the mansions on the water. Her demeanor of comfort spoke volumes about her respect and love for him.

I heard them speak in Spanish, which is always so delightful. Makes me feel like home. His tone was soft and kind, as if he was reading her a bedtime story.

Ah, people watching is one of my favorite things to do! I can sit in an airport and collect thousands of stories within minutes. I can come up with my own versions while witnessing humanity in times of stress or ease.

If we sit long enough to watch our humanness, we can learn so much about ourselves and others. If we choose to take the time to slow down, put our guards away, we can enrich our souls with profound awareness: we are all connected. We want love, acceptance, acknowledgment, respect, compassion and kindness. We want divine connections.

Take time to notice the world around you. Sure, there are moments in our histories that are NOT this gentle. Duality is there to help us evolve. This is the giant balance of scales constantly suspended in our society. We need it all. At this time! Maybe things will shift with the conscious evolution and we won't need the bad things in order to recognize and appreciate the good.

I love you. Be kind to you. Be compassionate with others. We are all truly just walking each other home!


Millie AmericaComment