A New Day

I came out of a soft meditation re-entering this world with complete openness and vulnerability. I opened my eyes engulfed by the darkness of early morning. It’s sacred time. My favorite time of the day. 

I moved my hand towards my chest patting the soft thump of movement. Deep breaths. Deep awareness. 

I hear the world at this time when everyone is asleep. It’s quite different than any other time. It’s magical. The sounds from earth are therapeutic and of higher vibration. I can feel the dark stretching into light. In that silence you can feel the connection of everything. You and I are not separate. 

I bow my head in gratitude. A new day has arrived. I will do my best to help. I don’t know how it will show up. I don’t know who I will serve with love and kindness. It’s my job to just show up. The present is a gift!

I’m here. Sending healing to all the areas that are fractured or hurting, especially in these times. I’m here to help shift the conscious mayhem of social fear. I’m here to help love you even if you don’t feel lovable. You are magnificent. I will keep reminding you. 

I’m just here. With you. Together. In love! 


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